
Find_Mode Return Position

Returns the position of the mode in the model.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in
Mode_P Mode_Pointer in


Deletes the mode.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in out
Mode Mode_Pointer in out


Deletes the mode instance with Main_ID as a main window.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in out
Main_ID Object_ID in

Get_Closed Return Mode_Instance_Pointer

Returns the mode instance which the DCS object belongs to.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in
DCD Object_ID in

Get_Changed Return Mode_Instance_Pointer

Returns the first mode instance containing unsaved data. If all data has been saved null is returned.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in

Get_Instance Return Mode_Instance_Pointer

Searches the model for a mode instance with Main_ID as a main window.

Parameter Type Mode
Model Instances in
Main_ID Object_ID in


Pre: L and X are defined

Post: a node containing X is inserted

at the front or rear of L, respectively

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in out
X Mode_Instance_Pointer in

First Return Position
Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in

Retrieve Return Mode_Instance_Pointer

Pre: L and P are defined; P designates a node in L

Post: returns the value of the element at position P

Raises: EmptyInstances if L is empty

PastBegin if P points before the beginning of L

PastEnd if P points beyond the end of L

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in


Pre: L and P are defined; P designates a node in L

Post: the node at position P of L is deleted

Raises: EmptyInstances if L is empty

PastBegin if P is NULL

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in out
P Position in


Pre: L and P are defined; P designates a node in L

Post: P is advanced to designate the next node of L

Raises: EmptyInstances if L is empty

PastEnd if P points beyond the end of L

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in out


Pre: L and P are defined; P designates a node in L

Post: P is moved to designate the previous node of L

Raises: EmptyInstances if L is empty

PastBegin if P points beyond the end of L

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in out

IsEmpty Return Boolean
Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in

IsFirst Return Boolean
Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in

IsLast Return Boolean
Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in

IsPastEnd Return Boolean
Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in

IsPastBegin Return Boolean

Pre: L and P are defined

Post: return True if the condition is met; False otherwise

Parameter Type Mode
L Instances in
P Position in

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