Screenshots |
The Main Window |
The main window of the StrongED mode editor. It allows (via the two toolbars) access to all other modefile related windows. It also displays a list of inconsistencies and any compatibility issue found by SEDModeEd. |
History of Changes |
This window displays a list of the changes made to the modefiles. Change descriptions can be added, edited and removed. |
List of Functions |
This window contains a list of currently known functions. A function is similar to a keylist, but here a function list can also be associated with a menu and a smarticon. |
The Edit Function Window |
Using functions you can create new buttons on the StrongED toolbar and add functionality to them. You can also define new menu entries and key-bindings. |
The Syntax Comment Window |
In this window you can define how a comment looks. StrongED will use these definitions to identify comments in the text and will mark (colour) them according to the modechoices. |
The Syntax Colouring Window |
This contains various options regarding the syntax colouring. |
The Syntax Words Window |
Using this window you can define syntaxgroups: Groups of words which can be assigned a specific colour by the user. |
The ModeWhen List Window |
A list of ModeWhen rules. |