Names | Declaration | Comment |
Element_Pointer | access all Mode_Element'Class | |
Position | private | |
List | limited private | |
ListPointer | access List | |
Key_Scope_Type | (Mode, Global, TaskWindow, CopyCursor, SearchReplace, Interactive, WhatNext, SaveBox, ListOfWinds, ListOfFound, LoF_dbox, Throwback, Print, GotoD, CommandsBox, SnippetsBox, TabstopsBox) | |
Key_List_Type | array (Key_Scope_Type'Range) of Key_Section_Type | |
Comment_Type | (OneLine, MultiLine, Recursive) | |
Comment_StartWhere_Type | (AnyWhere, StartOfLine, StartSpace) | |
Number_Colouring_Status_Type | (off, int, flt, exp) | |
Syntax_Word_Start_Type | (AnyWhere, StartOfLine, StartSpace) | Associated_Function : Unbounded_String; |
Syntax_Word_End_Type | (EndAlways, EndNonID, EndOfID, EndOfLine, EndOfExpr, EndOfAsm, EndOfFlt, EndOfTag) | |
Syntax_Word_List_Type | array (1..16) of Syntax_Word_Section_Type | |
Fold_Where_Type | (StartOfLine, StartSpace, EndOfLine, None) | |
ModeType_Type | (Standard, TaskWindow, Dump) | |
Applies_To_Type | (Always, NoDoubleClick, ExternalEdit, Match, FileExtension) | |
ModeWhen_DisplayKind_Type | (Byte_Display, Word_Display, ASCII_Display, ASM_Display) | |
ModeWhen_Section_Type | (Exclude, Include, Match, Display) | |
ModeWhen_Type | array (ModeWhen_Section_Type'Range) of List | |
Mode_Pointer | access Mode_Type |
[ Manual root ]