History of Changes

All dates are in the format yyyy-mm-dd as defined in the ISO 8601 standard.

1.15b (2004-10-07)

!Run now ensures the newest toolbox modules.
Help variables now support multiple languages.
More cleanup in the messages file.
Untrapped errors are now reported with a decent error window.
1.14b (2004-09-15) DEBUG version.
1.13b (2004-09-11)
Added missing tags to messages file.
Added more sections to Bugz file.
Made it possible to create Bugz and ConfiX files in other languages.
Added more exception handlers.
Better interaction with the Bugz application.
No longer crashes if the modemenu is opened before StrongED has been seen by the filer.
Now uses MinSlot to ensure the wimpslot has the correct size.
Manual now has index and contents pages and a link to the text manual.
1.12b (2004-09-10)
Handling of toolbox error event improved.
Now expands path before sending it to StrongED (StrongED_FileChanged message).
Now opens SaveAs window on ADJUST click on toolbar Save icon if path is incomplete.
Selecting Save in a SaveAs window results in error message if the path is incomplete instead of silent failure.
1.11b (2004-06-23)
Beta release.
1.10a (2004-06-18)
Fixed bugs in FileLock reader.
Main menu is no longer accessible from the FileLock-related windows.
ModeHelp updated.
Main manual updated and restructured.
Selecting Edit mode or Save FileLock in the iconbar menu would quit SEDModeEd - fixed.
ModeFile parser would skip all but the last function in a keylist functionlist - fixed.
Bitmap menu in the Miscellaneous window now displays a list of available bitmap fonts.

[1.16b] [1.09a]


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