
By setting several system variables (best done in your system's !Boot file) you can change the language looked for. With this you can make sure a program runs in a certain language, e.g. to avoid a weird translation. Furthermore it is possible to name several languages you prefer to English.

This is controlled by three system variables:

SEDModeEd$Language, ResFind$LanguagesPref und ResFind$Languages$Suff.

When running the application ResFind looks for the first language supported along the following list of languages:

Take a Norwegian user for example (lots of great programs come from there) whose computer is configured to 'Norway'. Since this language isn't too common in Europe most programs won't support it - except for Norwegian ones. But our user is pretty good in German and French but not too fond of English. Therefore he prefers these languages to UK and would thus put the following line in his system's !Boot file:

*Set ResFind$LanguagesSuff Germany,France

Running an applications (such as this one) using ResFind the list of languages looked for is 'Norway,Germany,France,UK'. In case this user has an application called !Pete supporting the language 'Humorous' the line

*Set Pete$Language Humor

in the !Boot file makes sure !Pete will run humorous.

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